
DC 228 Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema

Travis Chandler

Winter 2012-2013
Class number: 24448
Section number: 801
W 6:00PM - 9:15PM
LEVAN 00304 Lincoln Park Campus


What do "right" and "wrong" mean anyway? Most of us are not aware of the underlying theories when arriving at ethical judgments about right and wrong. We will learn several philosophical frameworks for ethical reasoning including; Kant's First and Second Categorical Imperatives, Utilitarianism, Social Contract Theory as well as the Ethics of Virtue.

How does entertainment media impact society? What special responsibilities do we have as designers and creators of entertainment media and how can we use these ethical theories in our daily practice? The fast pace of progress in information technologies and digital entertainment creates an environment in which ethical challenges are particularly complex, both for the professional in the field and for the casual user. We will discuss a host of issues including the implications of the values and politics embedded in games and movies. The goal is for students to be able to address ethical dilemmas with reasoned arguments, grounded in a combination of the ethical theories we have covered.

During this class we will alternate between lectures, in-class activities, screenings and discussions. Minimum expectations include reading the assigned material before class, playing the assigned videogames, and participating in class discussions.


The Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels and Stuart Rachels, Seventh edition, McGraw Hill


Possible assignments and percentages include (subject to change): Individual presentations 20% Group presentations 20% Short Essays on Games and Films 20% Final project: Creation of Personal Ethics in Gaming and Film document 30% Grade will also reflect class participation 10% Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (DC 228 801) is included in the Liberal Studies program as a course with credit in the Philosophical Inquiry domain. Philosophical Inquiry examines the most basic questions of human existence. It considers the fundamental beliefs and convictions that shape what it means to be human, our relationships with others, and the nature of the world itself. Its aim is to develop our critical, imaginative, and analytical abilities, and it enables students to understand various kinds of important intellectual problems from a variety of perspectives and approaches, interpret and assess historical and contemporary texts concerned with these issues, and articulate reasoned judgments about these most basic concerns of human life. Philosophical inquiry is thus committed to the task of reflecting on the ideas and events that make up the cultures, societies, and traditions within which we live and to enhancing our understanding of their significance and complexity. Courses in Philosophical Inquiry support the mission of the Liberal Studies Program by fostering deeper understanding and appreciation of the worlds of meaning and of value and of the enterprise of intellectual inquiry and social dialogue. Learning Outcomes: 1. Using multiple perspectives, students will be able to address, critically 
think about, and analyze philosophical questions and problems. 2. Students will be able to evaluate philosophical questions, issues and/or problems using informed judgment. Students will be able to analyze and interpret the methods used by philosophers in addressing philosophical questions, issues, and/or problems. 3. Students will be able to develop an understanding of the historical context of philosophical topics, figures, and texts. 4. Students will be able to write an analytic essay treating a philosophical question, issue and/or problem that forwards an identifiable thesis, argument, and conclusion. 5. Students will be able to address, critically think about, and analyze ethical issues, applying philosophical tools drawn from various ethical traditions to concrete cases pertinent to a variety of subject matters. Writing Expectations: Students will be expected to complete a minimum of 10 pages of writing for this course. This writing may take the form of essays, response papers, reading journals, take-home essay exams, critical analyses, etc. At least one assignment should involve revision, which may count (but only once, not twice) towards the 10-page minimum.

School policies:

Changes to Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change as necessary during the quarter. If a change occurs, it will be thoroughly addressed during class, posted under Announcements in D2L and sent via email.

Online Course Evaluations

Evaluations are a way for students to provide valuable feedback regarding their instructor and the course. Detailed feedback will enable the instructor to continuously tailor teaching methods and course content to meet the learning goals of the course and the academic needs of the students. They are a requirement of the course and are key to continue to provide you with the highest quality of teaching. The evaluations are anonymous; the instructor and administration do not track who entered what responses. A program is used to check if the student completed the evaluations, but the evaluation is completely separate from the student’s identity. Since 100% participation is our goal, students are sent periodic reminders over three weeks. Students do not receive reminders once they complete the evaluation. Students complete the evaluation online in CampusConnect.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

This course will be subject to the university's academic integrity policy. More information can be found at If you have any questions be sure to consult with your professor.

All students are expected to abide by the University's Academic Integrity Policy which prohibits cheating and other misconduct in student coursework. Publicly sharing or posting online any prior or current materials from this course (including exam questions or answers), is considered to be providing unauthorized assistance prohibited by the policy. Both students who share/post and students who access or use such materials are considered to be cheating under the Policy and will be subject to sanctions for violations of Academic Integrity.

Academic Policies

All students are required to manage their class schedules each term in accordance with the deadlines for enrolling and withdrawing as indicated in the University Academic Calendar. Information on enrollment, withdrawal, grading and incompletes can be found at

Students with Disabilities

Students who feel they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss their specific needs. All discussions will remain confidential.
To ensure that you receive the most appropriate accommodation based on your needs, contact the instructor as early as possible in the quarter (preferably within the first week of class), and make sure that you have contacted the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) at:
Lewis Center 1420, 25 East Jackson Blvd.
Phone number: (312)362-8002
Fax: (312)362-6544
TTY: (773)325.7296