Course Info

FILM 410: Production Workshop

Students work in teams to produce a completed project every two weeks. Each team will be assigned a specific genre or medium of cinema/media production. Students will be exposed to every aspect of media production from live action shooting to visual effects. Students will also learn how to work well in a team environment and be forced to adhere to deadlines, time constraints and medium limitations. PREREQUISITE(S) None

Fall 2024-2025

Section: 701
Class number: 14305
Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00924 at Loop Campus

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 701
Class number: 13114
Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00924 at Loop Campus
Instructor: James Choi | View syllabus

Fall 2022-2023

Section 701

Class number 18764

Meeting dates: 9/7/2022 - 11/22/2022
Meeting time: Th 6:00PM - 9:15PM
Location: CINES P0022 at Cinespace Chicago Film Studios Campus
Meeting dates: 9/7/2022 - 11/22/2022
Meeting time: Th 6:00PM - 9:15PM
Location: CINES P0102 at Cinespace Chicago Film Studios Campus

Fall 2021-2022

Section 701

Class number 4381

Meeting dates: 9/8/2021 - 11/23/2021
Meeting time: Th 6:00PM - 9:15PM
Location: CINES P021A at Cinespace Chicago Film Studios Campus
Meeting dates: 9/8/2021 - 11/23/2021
Meeting time: Th 6:00PM - 9:15PM
Location: CINES P0101 at Cinespace Chicago Film Studios Campus