Was this course well organized?
Do you feel the course objectives were accomplished?
Closely follows objectives
Adequate attention to objectives
Little attention to objectives
The amount of work you performed outside of this course was:
How difficult was the course material?
The textbook for this course was:
Appropriate, interesting, significantly enhanced my understanding
Moderately helpful, somewhat interesting, increased my understanding
Inappropriate and little help
Supplementary reading for this course was:
Inappropriate, dull little help in learning what was required for the course
The assignments for the course were:
Fair, impartial, based on sufficient evidence
Reasonably fair, based on adequate evidence
Confusing, often made late, no relation to class work
The grading of homework and exams in this course was:
Fair, impartial, based on sufficient evidence
Reasonably fair, based on adequate evidence
Frequently partial and unfair, little evidence to justify grade
What is your overall estimate of this course?
One of the most interesting, informative, useful, personally helpful course
Average in interest, usefulness, etc.
One of the least interesting, uninformative, unuseful, personally unhelpful course
How valuable was this course in terms of your technical development?
How would you characterize the instructor's knowledge of the subject?
Reasonably broad, accurate, up-to-date
Seriously deficient, frequently inaccurate, out-of-date
How would you characterize the instructor's ability to present and explain the material?
Does the instructor motivate student interest in the subject?
Arouses enthusiasm among students for the subject
Arouses fair amount of student interest in the subject
Discourages student interest
How well does the instructor relate the course material to other fields?
Did the instructor encourage participation from the students?
Encourages participation and precisely answers questions
Adequately encourages participation
Does not encourage participation
Was the instructor accessible outside of class?
What was the instructor's attitude? How did he/she deal with you?
Extremely fair and impartial
How well did the instructor conduct, plan and organize classes?
Were the instructors teaching methods effective?
Would you recommend this course to another student?
Would you take this instructor for another course?
Rate the teaching effectiveness of this instructor as compared to other faculty in the school.