Muhammad Umer Huzaifa

Assistant Professor //
School of Computing
Muhammad Umer Huzaifa

Bio and Research Information

Students interested in doing research with Dr. Huzaifa can email him. His teaching interests include robotics, control, and dynamics and his research interests include legged locomotion, social robotics, control systems, and dynamics. He has many research publications to his credit and several academic honors and awards, including Best Talk on Controls and Decision at CSL Student Conference 2019, and Alumni Teaching Fellowship at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign . In his free time, he enjoys engineering outreach, reading books on history and biographies, being outdoors and singing.

Specific Research Area

Robotics, Cyberphysical Systems

Professional Associations

IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society

Schedule for Fall 2024-2025

Courses Taught at DePaul

Course Evaluations