Apaar Mathur

MS in Information Systems

Hometown: Delhi, India

Undergrad Degree: Management Information System while minoring in Information Technology at DePaul

Greetings Everyone! My name is Apaar and I am a graduate student majoring in Information System at DePaul. Originally hailing from Delhi, India, I did my bachelor’s as an International Student at DePaul as well, majoring in Management Information System while minoring in Information Technology. As I was completing my bachelors, I got accepted for DePaul's combined degree program that allows me to complete my master’s in information system in 1 year instead of 2. As someone who has been part of DePaul for nearly ¼th of their life (I am 22!), I can safely say that I love to connect with my fellow peers as well be part of events and organization within DePaul. I have been part of several organizations at DePaul, while pursuing not just my academic interests but also extracurricular activities such as Soccer, Chess, Cricket, and many more!

I hope to connect with more likeminded individuals and share my experience as well as learn more from theirs!

Contact Apaar
