Eric Sedgwick Associate Professor // Theory School of Computing Email: Office:CDM 827 Phone: (312)362-5184 (312)362-5184 Advising and Office Hours: Office hours are posted on D2L. Schedule Advising Appointments through OneDePaul. Bio and Research Information Eric Sedgwick specializes in computational topology. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Texas and a B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Virginia. Research Area Theory Specific Research Area Computational Topology Schedule for Spring 2024-2025 CSC 242 Introduction to Computer Science II Section 603 Class number: 33123 View syllabus Section 603L Class number: 33124 View syllabus CSC 697 Graduate Internship Section 901 Class number: 32867 View syllabus Section 902 Class number: 32868 View syllabus Section 903 Class number: 32869 View syllabus Section 904 Class number: 32870 View syllabus CSC 401 Introduction to Programming Section 901 Class number: 32918 View syllabus Section 941 Class number: 35141 View syllabus Courses Taught at DePaul ANI 230 3D Design and Modeling ANI 310 Motion Capture ANI 450 Motion Capture ANI 599 Independent Study CSC 241 Introduction to Computer Science I CSC 242 Introduction to Computer Science II CSC 398 Internship CSC 399 Independent Study CSC 401 Introduction to Programming CSC 599 Independent Study CSC 696 Master's Research CSC 697 Graduate Internship CSC 698 Master's Thesis GPH 325 Survey of Computer Graphics GPH 338 Survey of 3-D Animation GPH 339 Advanced Rendering Techniques GPH 355 3D Scripting for Animators GPH 375 Advanced Graphics Development GPH 399 Independent Study GPH 425 Survey of Computer Graphics GPH 438 Computer Animation Survey GPH 539 Advanced Rendering Techniques GPH 575 Advanced Graphics Development GPH 595 Topics in Graphics HCI 599 Independent Study IM 230 Scripting for Interactive Media IM 330 Advanced Scripting for Interactive Media IT 130 Introductory Computing for the Web IT 223 Data Analysis UXD 399 Independent Study Course Evaluations CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 24-25 CSC 401 - 701Introduction to ProgrammingFall 24-25 CSC 401 - 710Introduction to ProgrammingFall 24-25 CSC 401 - 902Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 23-24 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 23-24 CSC 242 - 603Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 23-24 CSC 697 - 204Graduate InternshipSummer I 22-23 CSC 697 - 901Graduate InternshipSpring 22-23 CSC 697 - 904Graduate InternshipSpring 22-23 CSC 401 - 902Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 22-23 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 22-23 CSC 242 - 603Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 22-23 CSC 401 - 811Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 22-23 CSC 697 - 801Graduate InternshipWinter 22-23 CSC 697 - 802Graduate InternshipWinter 22-23 CSC 697 - 804Graduate InternshipWinter 22-23 CSC 242 - 506Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 22-23 CSC 401 - 802Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 22-23 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 22-23 CSC 697 - 701Graduate InternshipFall 22-23 CSC 697 - 702Graduate InternshipFall 22-23 CSC 697 - 704Graduate InternshipFall 22-23 CSC 401 - 702Introduction to ProgrammingFall 22-23 CSC 401 - 710Introduction to ProgrammingFall 22-23 CSC 401 - 902Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 21-22 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 21-22 CSC 242 - 603Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 21-22 CSC 401 - 811Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 21-22 CSC 242 - 506Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 21-22 CSC 401 - 802Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 21-22 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 21-22 CSC 401 - 702Introduction to ProgrammingFall 21-22 CSC 401 - 710Introduction to ProgrammingFall 21-22 CSC 697 - 205Graduate InternshipSummer 10 20-21 CSC 697 - 208Graduate InternshipSummer 10 20-21 CSC 697 - 904Graduate InternshipSpring 20-21 CSC 401 - 902Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 20-21 CSC 242 - 604Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 20-21 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 20-21 CSC 697 - 801Graduate InternshipWinter 20-21 CSC 697 - 804Graduate InternshipWinter 20-21 CSC 401 - 801Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 20-21 CSC 242 - 504Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 20-21 CSC 401 - 810Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 20-21 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 20-21 CSC 401 - 702Introduction to ProgrammingFall 20-21 CSC 401 - 711Introduction to ProgrammingFall 20-21 CSC 401 - 902Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 19-20 CSC 242 - 603Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 19-20 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 19-20 CSC 242 - 502Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 19-20 CSC 401 - 802Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 19-20 CSC 401 - 810Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 19-20 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 19-20 CSC 401 - 702Introduction to ProgrammingFall 19-20 CSC 401 - 710Introduction to ProgrammingFall 19-20 CSC 242 - 601Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 18-19 CSC 401 - 901Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 18-19 CSC 242 - 501Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 18-19 CSC 401 - 802Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 18-19 CSC 401 - 810Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 18-19 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 18-19 CSC 401 - 702Introduction to ProgrammingFall 18-19 CSC 241 - 601Introduction to Computer Science ISpring 17-18 CSC 242 - 601Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 17-18 CSC 242 - 504Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 17-18 CSC 242 - 505Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 17-18 CSC 241 - 601Introduction to Computer Science ISpring 16-17 CSC 242 - 601Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 16-17 CSC 242 - 503Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 16-17 CSC 241 - 503Introduction to Computer Science IWinter 16-17 CSC 241 - 402Introduction to Computer Science IFall 16-17 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 16-17 CSC 242 - 601Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 15-16 CSC 242 - 602Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 15-16 CSC 242 - 501Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 15-16 CSC 242 - 502Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 15-16 CSC 241 - 403Introduction to Computer Science IFall 15-16 CSC 401 - 701Introduction to ProgrammingFall 15-16 CSC 401 - 710Introduction to ProgrammingFall 15-16 CSC 241 - 601Introduction to Computer Science ISpring 14-15 CSC 242 - 901Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 14-15 CSC 242 - 502Introduction to Computer Science IIWinter 14-15 CSC 401 - 802Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 14-15 CSC 401 - 811Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 14-15 CSC 242 - 401Introduction to Computer Science IIFall 14-15 CSC 401 - 702Introduction to ProgrammingFall 14-15 CSC 401 - 711Introduction to ProgrammingFall 14-15 CSC 241 - 602Introduction to Computer Science ISpring 13-14 CSC 401 - 901Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 13-14 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 13-14 CSC 241 - 201Introduction to Computer Science IWinter 13-14 CSC 401 - 802Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 13-14 CSC 401 - 811Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 13-14 CSC 401 - 701Introduction to ProgrammingFall 13-14 CSC 401 - 710Introduction to ProgrammingFall 13-14 CSC 241 - 404Introduction to Computer Science IFall 13-14 CSC 242 - 602Introduction to Computer Science IISpring 12-13 CSC 401 - 901Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 12-13 CSC 401 - 910Introduction to ProgrammingSpring 12-13 CSC 241 - 501Introduction to Computer Science IWinter 12-13 CSC 401 - 801Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 12-13 CSC 401 - 810Introduction to ProgrammingWinter 12-13 IM 230 - 601Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 11-12 IM 230 - 610Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 11-12 GPH 355 - 9013D Scripting for AnimatorsSpring 11-12 GPH 595 - 901Topics in GraphicsSpring 11-12 IM 230 - 801Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 11-12 IM 230 - 810Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 11-12 IM 330 - 801Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 11-12 IM 330 - 810Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 11-12 IM 230 - 401Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 11-12 IM 230 - 410Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 11-12 IM 336 - 701Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 11-12 IM 336 - 710Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 11-12 GPH 355 - 9013D Scripting for AnimatorsSpring 10-11 IM 230 - 601Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 10-11 IM 230 - 610Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 10-11 IM 230 - 801Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 10-11 IM 330 - 801Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 10-11 IM 230 - 810Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 10-11 IM 230 - 401Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 10-11 IM 230 - 410Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 10-11 IM 336 - 701Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 10-11 IM 336 - 710Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 10-11 CSC 697 - 201Graduate InternshipSummer I 09-10 CSC 697 - 204Graduate InternshipSummer I 09-10 IM 230 - 901Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 09-10 IM 230 - 910Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 09-10 GPH 355 - 9013D Scripting for AnimatorsSpring 09-10 IM 230 - 501Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 09-10 IM 230 - 510Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 09-10 IM 330 - 801Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 09-10 IM 330 - 810Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 09-10 CSC 697 - 801Graduate InternshipWinter 09-10 IM 230 - 401Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 09-10 IM 230 - 410Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 09-10 IM 336 - 701Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 09-10 IM 336 - 710Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 09-10 CSC 697 - 501Graduate InternshipSummer II 08-09 CSC 697 - 502Graduate InternshipSummer II 08-09 CSC 697 - 504Graduate InternshipSummer II 08-09 GPH 355 - 9013D Scripting for AnimatorsSpring 08-09 GPH 595 - 902Topics in GraphicsSpring 08-09 IM 230 - 901Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 08-09 IM 230 - 910Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 08-09 ANI 230 - 5023D Design and ModelingWinter 08-09 IM 330 - 801Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 08-09 IM 330 - 810Advanced Scripting for Interactive MediaWinter 08-09 IM 230 - 701Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 08-09 IM 230 - 710Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 08-09 IM 336 - 701Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 08-09 IM 336 - 710Interactive Media Scripting for ProgrammersFall 08-09 CSC 697 - 701Graduate InternshipFall 08-09 CSC 697 - 702Graduate InternshipFall 08-09 CSC 697 - 704Graduate InternshipFall 08-09 CSC 697 - 201Graduate InternshipSummer I 07-08 CSC 697 - 202Graduate InternshipSummer I 07-08 GPH 355 - 9013D Scripting for AnimatorsSpring 07-08 GPH 595 - 902Topics in GraphicsSpring 07-08 IM 230 - 901Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 07-08 IM 230 - 910Scripting for Interactive MediaSpring 07-08 CSC 697 - 801Graduate InternshipWinter 07-08 CSC 697 - 804Graduate InternshipWinter 07-08 ANI 230 - 5013D Design and ModelingWinter 07-08 ANI 230 - 8013D Design and ModelingWinter 07-08 ANI 230 - 4013D Design and ModelingFall 07-08 IM 230 - 701Scripting for Interactive MediaFall 07-08 CSC 697 - 501Graduate InternshipSummer II 06-07 CSC 697 - 502Graduate InternshipSummer II 06-07 CSC 697 - 504Graduate InternshipSummer II 06-07 GPH 575 - 901Advanced Graphics DevelopmentSpring 06-07 ANI 230 - 6013D Design and ModelingSpring 06-07 GPH 375 - 901Advanced Graphics DevelopmentSpring 06-07 CSC 697 - 901Graduate InternshipSpring 06-07 CSC 697 - 904Graduate InternshipSpring 06-07 GPH 375 - 901Advanced Graphics DevelopmentSpring 05-06 GPH 575 - 901Advanced Graphics DevelopmentSpring 05-06 ANI 310 - 901Motion CaptureSpring 05-06 ANI 450 - 901Motion CaptureSpring 05-06 GPH 338 - 801Survey of 3-D AnimationWinter 05-06 GPH 438 - 801Computer Animation SurveyWinter 05-06 GPH 325 - 701Survey of Computer GraphicsFall 05-06 ANI 200 - 1013D Design and ModelingFall 05-06 GPH 338 - 301Survey of 3-D AnimationSpring 04-05 GPH 595 - 901Topics in GraphicsSpring 04-05 GPH 438 - 801Computer Animation SurveyWinter 04-05 GPH 338 - 801Survey of 3-D AnimationWinter 04-05 CSC 697 - 801Graduate InternshipWinter 04-05 GPH 425 - 701Survey of Computer GraphicsFall 04-05 GPH 595 - 701Topics in GraphicsFall 04-05 CSC 697 - 501Graduate InternshipSummer II 03-04 CSC 697 - 502Graduate InternshipSummer II 03-04 CSC 697 - 504Graduate InternshipSummer II 03-04 GPH 470 - 901Survey of Computer GraphicsSpring 03-04 CSC 697 - 901Graduate InternshipSpring 03-04 GPH 338 - 601Survey of 3-D AnimationSpring 03-04 GPH 371 - 501Survey of Computer GraphicsWinter 03-04 GPH 438 - 801Computer Animation SurveyWinter 03-04 GPH 470 - 701Survey of Computer GraphicsFall 03-04 GPH 539 - 701Advanced Rendering TechniquesFall 03-04 CSC 697 - 301Graduate InternshipSpring 02-03 GPH 338 - 901Survey of 3-D AnimationSpring 02-03 GPH 438 - 303Computer Animation SurveySpring 02-03 CSC 399 - 904Independent StudySpring 02-03 CSC 323 - 803Data AnalysisWinter 02-03 CSC 323 - 805Data AnalysisWinter 02-03 CSC 336 - 701User Interface DevelopmentFall 02-03 CSC 336 - 702User Interface DevelopmentFall 02-03 CSC 336 - 703User Interface DevelopmentFall 02-03 CSC 697 - 101Graduate InternshipFall 02-03 CSC 697 - 102Graduate InternshipFall 02-03 CSC 697 - 201Graduate InternshipSummer I 01-02 CSC 697 - 301Graduate InternshipSpring 01-02 GPH 438 - 301Computer Animation SurveySpring 01-02 GPH 338 - 601Survey of 3-D AnimationSpring 01-02 CSC 697 - 201Graduate InternshipWinter 01-02 GPH 438 - 201Computer Animation SurveyWinter 01-02 GPH 338 - 501Survey of 3-D AnimationWinter 01-02 GPH 470 - 101Survey of Computer GraphicsFall 01-02 ECT 270 - 403Introductory Computing for the WebFall 01-02 CSC 215 - 908Intro to Structured Programming Using C++Spring 00-01 GPH 338 - 801Survey of 3-D AnimationWinter 00-01 ECT 270 - 402Introductory Computing for the WebFall 00-01 ECT 270 - 705Introductory Computing for the WebFall 00-01