Adam Gao

Assistant Professor // Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
School of Computing
Adam Gao

Bio and Research Information

I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing at DePaul University, affiliated with the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Before joining DePaul, I earned my PhD at Iowa State University, where I majored in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. My research primarily focuses on deep learning theory, generative AI, and graph representation learning. I am also deeply interested in mathematical theories that support my primary research, such as random matrix theory, stochastic differential equations, and information theory. I enjoy exploring fundamental problems that mysteriously arise from real-world applications and proposing insightful guidelines to influence practice.

Research Area

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Specific Research Area

Deep learning theory, Generative AI, Graph Representation learning

Schedule for Spring 2024-2025

Courses Taught at DePaul

Course Evaluations