Steve Jost Associate Professor // Data Analysis, Visual Computing (VC) School of Computing Email: Office:CDM 744 Phone: (312)362-6101 (312)362-6101 Homepage: Advising and Office Hours: Office hours are posted on D2L. Schedule Advising Appointments through OneDePaul. Bio and Research Information Not available Research Area Data Analysis, Visual Computing (VC) Schedule for Spring 2024-2025 IT 372 Introduction to Android Development Section 601 Class number: 33356 View syllabus Section 630 Class number: 32977 View syllabus IT 238 Interactive Web Scripting Section 610 Class number: 32814 View syllabus Section 640 Class number: 33350 View syllabus Courses Taught at DePaul CSC 211 Programming in Java I CSC 212 Programming in Java II CSC 701 Full-Time Candidacy Continuation DSC 323 Data Analysis and Regression DSC 423 Data Analysis and Regression DSC 433 Scripting for Data Analysis GPH 205 Historical Foundations of Visual Technology HCI 201 Multimedia and the World Wide Web HCI 430 Prototyping and Implementation IPD 342 Modern .NET Web Development Program IS 399 Independent Study IT 130 Introductory Computing for the Web IT 211 Introduction to Applied Programming IT 212 Applied OO Programming IT 223 Data Analysis IT 231 Web Development I IT 232 Web Development II IT 238 Interactive Web Scripting IT 300 Research Experience IT 313 Advanced Application Development IT 330 User Interface Development for Interactive Systems IT 372 Introduction to Android Development IT 403 Statistics and Data Analysis NET 261 Basic Communication Systems Course Evaluations IT 372 - 630Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 23-24 IT 223 - 603Data AnalysisSpring 23-24 IT 372 - 601Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 23-24 IT 223 - 610Data AnalysisSpring 23-24 IT 231 - 510Web Development IWinter 23-24 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 23-24 IT 313 - 530Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 23-24 IT 231 - 401Web Development IFall 23-24 IT 313 - 401Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 23-24 IT 231 - 410Web Development IFall 23-24 IT 313 - 410Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 23-24 IT 372 - 601TIntroduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 22-23 IT 372 - 630Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 22-23 IT 231 - 601Web Development ISpring 22-23 IT 231 - 610Web Development ISpring 22-23 IT 231 - 510Web Development IWinter 22-23 IT 313 - 540Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 22-23 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 22-23 IT 231 - 501Web Development IWinter 22-23 IT 313 - 401Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 22-23 IT 313 - 410Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 22-23 IT 238 - 440Interactive Web ScriptingFall 22-23 IT 238 - 410Interactive Web ScriptingFall 22-23 IT 238 - 610Interactive Web ScriptingSpring 21-22 IT 238 - 640Interactive Web ScriptingSpring 21-22 IT 372 - 610Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 21-22 IT 238 - 840Interactive Web ScriptingWinter 21-22 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 21-22 IT 238 - 810Interactive Web ScriptingWinter 21-22 IT 313 - 410Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 21-22 IT 238 - 440Interactive Web ScriptingFall 21-22 IT 238 - 410Interactive Web ScriptingFall 21-22 IT 238 - 910Interactive Web ScriptingSpring 20-21 IT 238 - 901Interactive Web ScriptingSpring 20-21 IT 372 - 610Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 20-21 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 20-21 IT 238 - 801Interactive Web ScriptingWinter 20-21 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 20-21 IT 238 - 810Interactive Web ScriptingWinter 20-21 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 20-21 IT 313 - 401Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 20-21 IT 212 - 410Applied OO ProgrammingFall 20-21 IT 212 - 610Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 19-20 IT 212 - 601Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 19-20 IT 372 - 601Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 19-20 IT 372 - 610Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 19-20 IT 212 - 501Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 19-20 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 19-20 IT 212 - 510Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 19-20 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 19-20 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 19-20 IT 313 - 401Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 19-20 IT 212 - 410Applied OO ProgrammingFall 19-20 IT 313 - 410Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 19-20 IT 212 - 610Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 18-19 IT 212 - 601Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 18-19 IT 372 - 601Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 18-19 IT 372 - 610Introduction to Android DevelopmentSpring 18-19 IT 212 - 501Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 18-19 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 18-19 IT 211 - 501Introduction to Applied ProgrammingWinter 18-19 IT 212 - 510Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 18-19 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 18-19 IT 211 - 510Introduction to Applied ProgrammingWinter 18-19 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 18-19 IT 313 - 401Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 18-19 IT 212 - 410Applied OO ProgrammingFall 18-19 IT 313 - 410Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 18-19 IT 211 - 601Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 17-18 IT 211 - 610Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 17-18 IT 212 - 601Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 17-18 IT 212 - 610Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 17-18 IT 212 - 501Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 17-18 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 17-18 IT 212 - 510Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 17-18 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 17-18 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 17-18 IT 212 - 410Applied OO ProgrammingFall 17-18 IT 313 - 401Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 17-18 IT 313 - 410Advanced Application DevelopmentFall 17-18 CSC 423 - 501Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 16-17 CSC 423 - 510Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 16-17 CSC 433 - 901Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 16-17 CSC 433 - 910Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 16-17 IT 212 - 601Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 16-17 IT 212 - 501Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 16-17 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 16-17 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 16-17 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 16-17 IT 403 - 702Statistics and Data AnalysisFall 16-17 IT 403 - 711Statistics and Data AnalysisFall 16-17 CSC 423 - 501Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 15-16 CSC 423 - 510Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 15-16 CSC 433 - 901Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 15-16 CSC 433 - 910Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 15-16 IT 212 - 601Applied OO ProgrammingSpring 15-16 IT 212 - 810Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 15-16 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 15-16 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 15-16 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 15-16 IT 232 - 401Web Development IIFall 15-16 IT 212 - 410Applied OO ProgrammingFall 15-16 CSC 423 - 501Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 14-15 CSC 423 - 510Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 14-15 IT 211 - 601Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 14-15 CSC 433 - 901Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 14-15 CSC 433 - 910Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 14-15 IT 211 - 610Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 14-15 IT 212 - 801Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 14-15 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 14-15 IT 313 - 510Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 14-15 IT 231 - 401Web Development IFall 14-15 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 14-15 IT 212 - 410Applied OO ProgrammingFall 14-15 CSC 423 - 501Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 13-14 CSC 423 - 510Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 13-14 IT 211 - 601Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 13-14 CSC 433 - 901Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 13-14 CSC 433 - 910Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 13-14 IT 211 - 610Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 13-14 IT 212 - 801Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 13-14 IT 212 - 810Applied OO ProgrammingWinter 13-14 IT 313 - 501Advanced Application DevelopmentWinter 13-14 IT 231 - 401Web Development IFall 13-14 IT 212 - 401Applied OO ProgrammingFall 13-14 CSC 423 - 501Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 12-13 CSC 423 - 510Data Analysis and RegressionSummer II 12-13 IT 211 - 601Introduction to Applied ProgrammingSpring 12-13 CSC 433 - 901Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 12-13 CSC 433 - 910Scripting for Data AnalysisSpring 12-13 IT 231 - 502Web Development IWinter 12-13 CSC 423 - 801Data Analysis and RegressionWinter 12-13 CSC 423 - 810Data Analysis and RegressionWinter 12-13 IT 231 - 402Web Development IFall 12-13 IT 211 - 401Introduction to Applied ProgrammingFall 12-13 IT 231 - 501Web Development ISummer II 11-12 IT 231 - 510Web Development ISummer II 11-12 IT 231 - 602Web Development ISpring 11-12 CSC 423 - 901Data Analysis and RegressionSpring 11-12 CSC 423 - 910Data Analysis and RegressionSpring 11-12 CSC 324 - 901Data Analysis and RegressionSpring 11-12 CSC 324 - 910Data Analysis and RegressionSpring 11-12 IT 330 - 801User Interface Development for Interactive...Winter 11-12 CSC 423 - 801Data Analysis and RegressionWinter 11-12 CSC 423 - 810Data Analysis and RegressionWinter 11-12 CSC 324 - 801Data Analysis and RegressionWinter 11-12 IT 231 - 402Web Development IFall 11-12 CSC 423 - 701Data Analysis and RegressionFall 11-12 CSC 423 - 710Data Analysis and RegressionFall 11-12 CSC 324 - 701Data Analysis and RegressionFall 11-12 IT 231 - 501Web Development ISummer II 10-11 IT 231 - 510Web Development ISummer II 10-11 IT 231 - 601Web Development ISpring 10-11 IT 231 - 602Web Development ISpring 10-11 IT 223 - 501Data AnalysisWinter 10-11 IT 231 - 501Web Development IWinter 10-11 IT 231 - 101Web Development IFall 10-11 LSP 121 - 107Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Fall 10-11 IT 223 - 501Data AnalysisSummer II 09-10 IT 223 - 510Data AnalysisSummer II 09-10 IT 223 - 601Data AnalysisSpring 09-10 LSP 121 - 605Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Spring 09-10 IT 130 - 503Introductory Computing for the WebWinter 09-10 IT 223 - 501Data AnalysisWinter 09-10 IT 130 - 404Introductory Computing for the WebFall 09-10 GPH 205 - 101Historical Foundations of Visual TechnologyFall 09-10 IT 223 - 501Data AnalysisSummer II 08-09 IT 223 - 510Data AnalysisSummer II 08-09 IT 230 - 601Building Internet ApplicationsSpring 08-09 GPH 205 - 601Historical Foundations of Visual TechnologySpring 08-09 IT 130 - 503Introductory Computing for the WebWinter 08-09 IT 230 - 501Building Internet ApplicationsWinter 08-09 GPH 205 - 102Historical Foundations of Visual TechnologyFall 08-09 IT 130 - 101Introductory Computing for the WebFall 08-09 ISP 121 - 501Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Summer II 07-08 GPH 205 - 601Historical Foundations of Visual TechnologySpring 07-08 IT 130 - 601Introductory Computing for the WebSpring 07-08 CSC 212 - 201Programming in Java IIWinter 07-08 IT 130 - 201Introductory Computing for the WebWinter 07-08 IT 130 - 102Introductory Computing for the WebFall 07-08 ISP 121 - 109Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Fall 07-08 ISP 121 - 202Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Summer I 06-07 HCI 430 - 901Prototyping and ImplementationSpring 06-07 ISP 121 - 305Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Spring 06-07 IT 130 - 201Introductory Computing for the WebWinter 06-07 ISP 121 - 206Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy...Winter 06-07 IT 130 - 101Introductory Computing for the WebFall 06-07 IT 130 - 102Introductory Computing for the WebFall 06-07 IT 130 - 601Introductory Computing for the WebSpring 05-06 HCI 430 - 901Prototyping and ImplementationSpring 05-06 IT 130 - 202Introductory Computing for the WebWinter 05-06 HCI 201 - 202Multimedia and the World Wide WebWinter 05-06 IT 130 - 402Introductory Computing for the WebFall 05-06 HCI 201 - 401Multimedia and the World Wide WebFall 05-06 IT 236 - 201User Interface DevelopmentSummer I 04-05 IT 236 - 202User Interface DevelopmentSummer I 04-05 IT 130 - 301Introductory Computing for the WebSpring 04-05 HCI 430 - 901Prototyping and ImplementationSpring 04-05 IT 130 - 201Introductory Computing for the WebWinter 04-05 HCI 201 - 201Multimedia and the World Wide WebWinter 04-05 HCI 201 - 401Multimedia and the World Wide WebFall 04-05 IT 130 - 101Introductory Computing for the WebFall 04-05 IT 236 - 201User Interface DevelopmentSummer I 03-04 IT 236 - 202User Interface DevelopmentSummer I 03-04 CSC 212 - 602Programming in Java IISpring 03-04 CSC 212 - 970Programming in Java IISpring 03-04 CSC 211 - 870Programming in Java IWinter 03-04 CSC 336 - 502User Interface DevelopmentWinter 03-04 CSC 210 - 401Introduction to ComputingFall 03-04 CSC 212 - 771Programming in Java IIFall 03-04 CSC 211 - 205Programming in Java ISummer I 02-03 CSC 211 - 601Programming in Java ISpring 02-03 CSC 212 - 501Programming in Java IIWinter 02-03 CSC 212 - 803Programming in Java IIWinter 02-03 CSC 211 - 404Programming in Java IFall 02-03 CSC 211 - 711Programming in Java IFall 02-03 CSC 211 - 203Programming in Java ISummer I 01-02 CSC 621 - 203Programming in Java ISummer I 01-02 CSC 318 - 601Windows Programming in C++Spring 01-02 CSC 212 - 503Programming in Java IIWinter 01-02 CSC 211 - 103Programming in Java IFall 01-02 CSC 211 - 712Programming in Java IFall 01-02 CSC 224 - 202Java for ProgrammersSummer I 00-01 CSC 260 - 903Client Interface ProgrammingSpring 00-01 TDC 361 - 601Basic Communication SystemsSpring 00-01 CSC 280 - 801Visual Basic for ProgrammersWinter 00-01 TDC 361 - 501Basic Communication SystemsWinter 00-01 CSC 280 - 701Visual Basic for ProgrammersFall 00-01 TDC 361 - 401Basic Communication SystemsFall 00-01