Karen Heart

Instructor // Security, Computer Security, Information Systems
School of Computing
Karen Heart

Bio and Research Information

Karen is a teacher, software developer, and attorney with many years of experience in both fields. Currently, she teaches computer science at DePaul University and has done so for several years. From standalone end user applications to middleware to architecting distributed systems, Karen has created a wide range of software products and tools for a variety of industries, including among others publishing, banking, insurance, and logistics. As an attorney, Karen has concentrated her work in intellectual property, civil and criminal litigation, including some appellate work. She holds an MS in Computer Science from DePaul University, a JD from the University of Texas, and has completed the PhD coursework in Computer Science at UIC. Karen is licensed to practice law in Illinois. Her current research interests include system security, forensics, and cybersecurity regulation and liability.

Research Area

Security, Computer Security, Information Systems

Specific Research Area

Security of systems and data

Schedule for Spring 2024-2025

Courses Taught at DePaul

Course Evaluations