Amber Settle

Professor // Education, Theory
School of Computing
Amber Settle

Bio and Research Information

Amber Settle is a Professor in the School of Computing and has been on the DePaul full-time faculty since September 1996. She earned a B.S. in mathematics and a B.A. in German from the University of Arizona, and a S.M. and Ph.D. in theoretical computer science from the University of Chicago. Dr. Settle's research interests include information technology and computer science education and theoretical computer science. Between 2008 and 2011 she was a PI on an NSF-funded project to expand computational thinking in Liberal Studies courses. Dr. Settle served on the Executive Board of the ACM Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) between 2010 and 2022 and between 2013 and 2015 was involved in the organization of conferences for the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education (SIGITE). More information about Dr. Settle's work can be found at:

Research Area

Education, Theory

Specific Research Area

Information technology and computer science education, including computational thinking, game development and design, gender and computing, online learning, programming pedagogy, and student recruitment and retention, and theoretical computer science

Professional Associations

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education (SIGITE)

Schedule for Spring 2024-2025

Courses Taught at DePaul

Course Evaluations