Course Info

FILM 430: Fundamentals of Short Film (Formerly DC 460)

Students will study approximately 100 well-crafted and landmark short films from throughout film history. Through these screenings, students will learn film vernacular, the roles these short films served their respective filmmakers and the concept of how "calling card" shorts can be used to illustrate a filmmaker's voice. Short film genres and styles that will be explored will include: narrative, experimental, documentary and animation, ranging from early silent films to contemporary films being screened at festivals today. PREREQUISITE(S): None

Winter 2024-2025

Section: 801
Class number: 24917
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00708 at Loop Campus

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 701
Class number: 13115
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00708 at Loop Campus

Fall 2022-2023

Section: 701
Class number: 18765
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00708 at Loop Campus

Fall 2021-2022

Section 701

Class number 4382

Meeting dates: 9/8/2021 - 11/23/2021
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00214 at Loop Campus
Meeting dates: 9/8/2021 - 11/23/2021
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: OLSYN CH000 at Loop Campus

Fall 2020-2021

Section: 701
Class number: 10656
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync