Course Info

GAM 240: Playgramming

This workshop introduces computer programming to artists and game designers. Programming is an art, but before students can create masterpieces they first need to explore, play, and sketch with code. Students learn basic concepts and techniques of computation and apply these to craft gameplay experiences, improvisational experiments, and software toys. Students will author code from scratch and remix code to complete their weekly projects. No prior programming experience or knowledge is required. PREREQUISITE(S): None

Spring 2024-2025

Section: 630
Class number: 32900
Meeting time: TuTh 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Location: Online: Sync

Winter 2024-2025

Section: 502
Class number: 22847
Meeting time: Tu 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00505 at Loop Campus

Fall 2024-2025

Section: 401
Class number: 14478
Meeting time: TuTh 3:10PM - 4:40PM
Location: CDM 00801 at Loop Campus
Section: 402
Class number: 14518
Meeting time: MW 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Location: CDM 00819 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Jes Klass | View syllabus

Spring 2023-2024

Section: 601
Class number: 32858
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS 00506 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Jes Klass | View syllabus

Winter 2023-2024

Section: 502
Class number: 22853
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: CDM 00819 at Loop Campus

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 401
Class number: 12763
Meeting time: TuTh 3:10PM - 4:40PM
Location: CDM 00801 at Loop Campus
Section: 402
Class number: 12808
Meeting time: MW 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Location: CDM 00819 at Loop Campus

Spring 2022-2023

Section: 601
Class number: 39976
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS 00506 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss

Winter 2022-2023

Section: 502
Class number: 28787
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS 00505 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss

Fall 2022-2023

Section: 401
Class number: 18380
Meeting time: TuTh 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00506 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss
Section: 402
Class number: 18426
Meeting time: MW 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Location: CDM 00819 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss

Spring 2021-2022

Section: 601
Class number: 37389
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS 00506 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss

Winter 2021-2022

Section: 502
Class number: 28456
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS 00505 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss

Fall 2021-2022

Section: 401
Class number: 3932
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS 00505 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss
Section: 402
Class number: 3983
Meeting time: MW 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00505 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Caleb Foss

Spring 2020-2021

Section: 601
Class number: 30567
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: Online: Sync
Instructor: Caleb Foss