Course Info

CSC 577: Recommender Systems

Recommender systems offer personalized access to online information in product catalogs, social media networks, and document collections, among other applications. This class will introduce students to a range of approaches for building recommender systems including collaborative, content-based, knowledge-based, and hybrid methods. Students will implement recommendation algorithms using an open-sourced toolkit and conduct experimental evaluations.

(CSC 412 and (CSC 478 or DSC 478)) or (CSC 403 and (IS 467 or DSC 441)) are the prerequisites for this class..

Winter 2024-2025

Section: 801
Class number: 25676
Meeting time: Tu 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: LEWIS 01005 at Loop Campus
Section: 810
Class number: 24964
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Winter 2022-2023

Section: 820
Class number: 29168
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Winter 2021-2022

Section: 820
Class number: 28910
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async