Daniel Klein

Associate Professor //
School of Cinematic Arts
Daniel Klein

Bio and Research Information

Daniel Klein is the Chair of the Master of Fine Arts in Film and Television Directing. Klein received his Master of Fine Arts at Chapman University, where he wrote two Student Academy Award winning short films, “It’s Just A Gun” (2016) and “Esta Es Tu Cuba” (2018). “Esta Es Tu Cuba” has since been awarded the 2019 College Television Award for Best Drama and the HBO Ibero American Short Film Award at the 2019 Miami International Film Festival. Klein previously wrote and directed the narrative short film "AB-", which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival, after which it screened at film festivals around the world. Klein has also created and sold original television projects to Twentieth Century Fox and Touchstone Studios.

Schedule for Fall 2024-2025

Courses Taught at DePaul

Course Evaluations