Course Info

ANI 463: 3D Motion Graphics

This course builds on motion graphics fundamentals covered in ANI 461 Motion Graphics. In 3D Motion Graphics, students will work to develop a better understanding of how to develop a distinct visual style in both personal work and in work for clients. The course also focuses on gaining familiarity with contemporary styles and trends in professional motion graphics, and an awareness of Chicago-based motion graphics productions. Students will also give a 30 minute teaching presentation on an assigned topic.

ANI 461 is a prerequiste for this class.

Winter 2024-2025

Section: 801
Class number: 23096
Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00513 at Loop Campus

Winter 2023-2024

Section: 801
Class number: 23128
Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00513 at Loop Campus

Winter 2022-2023

Section: 801
Class number: 29166
Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00513 at Loop Campus

Spring 2021-2022

Section: 901
Class number: 43458
Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: 14EAS 00513 at Loop Campus

Winter 2021-2022

Section: 501
Class number: 28905
Meeting time: MW 11:50AM - 1:20PM
Location: 14EAS 00513 at Loop Campus